

Certifications 01

Blue Flag

The Blue Flag has fluttered on the beaches of Cervia for 19 years. An award introduced in 1987 and assigned by the FEE Foundation for Environmental Education in association with (Cobat) and Enel Sole at the Italian Prime Minister’s Office in Rome.

Blue Flag
Green Flag
Certifications 02

Green Flag

A group of 141 Italian paediatricians led by Italo Farnetani, the brains behind the Green Flags (‘Bandiere Verdi’), as well as paediatrician and journalist for Corriere della Sera, OK Salute and Insieme, identified the most suitable beaches for children’s holidays in 2015.

Certifications 03

The rescue service on the coast of Cervia certified ISO 9001: 2015

Cooperativa bagnini offers various services to all the associated bathing establishments in the communal territory, including the rescuing service on all the beaches. With a view of improving our processes efficiency and researching the “client’s satisfaction”, the Cooperative has certified its organization following the ISO 9001:2015 requirements concerning the rescuing services.

The rescue service on the coast of Cervia certified ISO 9001: 2015